Monday 22 March 2010

2012 Cadillac Converj

A Chevy Volt, in Cadillac drag. Like the Volt, the Converj can go 40 miles on batteries alone, then a gas engine kicks in to extend the range. Recharging via a wall outlet is also possible. Designed with the idea that the car’s beauty should dictate its appeal—not its powertrain—the Converj is nevertheless powered by a high-tech propulsion system. GM says the Converj takes advantage of a more-advanced version of the Volt’s E-REV system, now dubbed Voltec by the company, but the particulars appear the same: a 16-kWh, T-shaped battery pack, powering a 120-kW (161 hp) electric motor and recharged via a four-cylinder range-extending engine. Torque stands at 273 lb-ft and the Converj’s top speed is 100 mph.

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